Tuesday 11 October 2011

I Lost Too Much Weight

Today's blog post focuses on something that happened over the past few days. After some preliminary filming for my new promo footage I noticed that my suit looked WAY too big. Since I purchased my latest suits I have lost around 3st. But because it happened slowly I just didn't notice.

So yesterday I took my suits into the tailors to be resized. Thankfully, he didn't give me this type of advice:

I just couldn't believe how much extra fabric was being pinned out by the end of the consultation. I must have seemed so swamped by it:

But I couldn't help feel a sense of achievement as I looked down at my suits. They were a visual representation of the my weight loss and the determination it took to get back to a healthy weight:

I am also glad that I lost the weight so gradually that I didn't notice. My secret was to reduce my carb intake and to eat sensibly, with the occasional treat.

If you want to lose weight quick though, there is always this option:

1 comment:

  1. Remember to 'SHARE' the laughs with your friends. You can do this easily using the floating toolbar on the left-hand side of my blog.



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